To show what I have done in the works
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This time I made the Fighters Universe is the upgrade version of Text Fighter, it has four players, Ho Yin, Justin, Boss Florence and Boss Janice.
I use the "extends" in the BossPlayer class, and it extends by the Player class. For the Boss Player : public void setPower( int power, int difference ) { if ( difference < 0 ) this.power = (power+( difference / 2 )); else this.power = (power+( difference * 2 )); } If they get hurt, their damage will get half, in case, they hit to the other players they will gain a double power. Download the file: 1.BossPlayer.class 3.FightersUniverse.class 5.Player.class You can see the code in here. PR
Table of Multiplier (乘數表) , each of you must know it.
I use array to make it up. Array is starting at 0, so I made: int array[] = new int[ 11 ]; (line 10) 11 is the value to show "10". (Please see downward) And I set: for ( int counter = 1; counter < array.length; counter++ ) (line 23) int counter = 1, this is setting for the value to show the starting value. For 0 and 1 are no meaning to remember, so I start from 2 to 9. But the code is not 100% the best, welcome to discuss! Update at 2007/10/26: Multiplier2 is using two for loop to make, and it is more simple than the first one. Download the file: 1.Multiplier.class 3.Multiplier2.class You can see the code in here.
I used the Java program to design a text game, Text Fighter.
In the game, I designed two characters, Davis and Kim. They will be randomly to fight, if one of them the Power (Health Point / HP) is lower than zero, the game will stop and finish. There is a example in downward. Download the file: 1.Player.class (update: 21-10-07) 3.PlayerTest.class You can see the code in here. |
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